Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shopping - The "baraTHnaTYam" way

I used to curse my parents every single breath while cycling from my home to the market as it bit into my play-time.Even the mundane shopping task has turned e.x.c.i.t.i.n.g in this small Latin american country named Uruguay...My competency level in Spanish is comparable to my ice skating skills (always fall backwards..) , but here this trait adds s{pice} to your shopping curry.
Usually start off the shopping dumb C with a 'Hola' and then its all over to the mudra or point-n-ask strategy. I love the mudra one because most of the times it is more expressive and is kinda fun. I love sea food and the 'Makara or Matsya' mudra came in handy to get me some laughs around, and my fish ..the hunt for crustaceans is still on and it was a hard time to act it out. I was successful after a couple of attempts of making my fingers walk sidewards and showing my own claw-clutch-mudra. Crabs are not in awe here near, so may be have to travel 100s of Kms to grab and taste one. Back in Trichy , Crabs travelled from chennai thru train and buses and then to the front of our defence quarters on bicycles ;-) how convenient...
The most surprising part of my research on crabs was that - there is one of the mudras for Crab - the Karkala Mudra, well done ancestors. I've had tortoise in India without having to use the Coormah mudra - but here the food is the sole source of entertainment ;-( , now I've started a liking towards the 'art of aquiring the food.'.
If I walk the aisles and shop quick enough to make my movements continous, I may even think of my arangetram in 'BharathnatyaM' - keeping it slow to save a cultural landslide in India..!!
Bored in Uruguay - ?? Grab a few 100 pesos and go to the nearby super mercado and play Dumb C with all of 'em


aghildev said...

Excellent..A "Shopping" can never be explained so well with detailed information about "Mudras".You actually combined 2 or more extremes beautifully in a paragraph..kudos..bro.

maroon-beret said...

hahah thanks da