One more thing added to my regret list.. one of my greatest n closest friend ever didn't give me enough time to explain my situation .. My friend shut all doors at once..
If only she had given me enough time and lend a listening ear .. things would've been much more easier for both..
Coz i feel i miss her and if the times we shared were true.. she would also feel the same....
There is noway for me to reach her.. she just disappeared..anyways its for good as she thinks .. chau chau and all da very best
I've torn down the pages from my book of life ... returning to my sMILEs !!! Total liberation !!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Remembered atleast in 155 daily prayers...
Hats off to Chesley Sullenberger the pilot who had the nerves to pull out a stunning landing as smooth as it could get on top of the river surface.. I really admire these real life heroes who earn themselves a para in history..
Just imagine the moments prior to the landing..once he knew that both of his engines were dead weight, how many messages would have passed to and fro from his brain..
The calculations on whether to take the usual emergency landing procedure or to innovate something according to current scenario.. how to minimize the casualities..his own family. I am sure the usual 'short-video' of one's own life that runs through ur mind during situations like these wouldve also eaten into some of his neural CPU
After all the adrenaline rush the return to calmness is the last step required to bail all of the souls out of the situation and dear Chesley - u did it in sytle . may be the F4 flight hours with the USAF would've given you enough situation handling skills .155 souls on board owe you their life.. You will be remembered by all of them and their kith n kin in their prayers...
My salutes to you...
Just imagine the moments prior to the landing..once he knew that both of his engines were dead weight, how many messages would have passed to and fro from his brain..
The calculations on whether to take the usual emergency landing procedure or to innovate something according to current scenario.. how to minimize the casualities..his own family. I am sure the usual 'short-video' of one's own life that runs through ur mind during situations like these wouldve also eaten into some of his neural CPU
After all the adrenaline rush the return to calmness is the last step required to bail all of the souls out of the situation and dear Chesley - u did it in sytle . may be the F4 flight hours with the USAF would've given you enough situation handling skills .155 souls on board owe you their life.. You will be remembered by all of them and their kith n kin in their prayers...
My salutes to you...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sweet Deal that went wrong !!
Early mrng coffee is one of my necessities to keep my day going.. my mom used to do that for long long years and that taste and smell till lingers around.. Here in a bachelor pad what can u expect other than nescafe with milk and sugar ??
Today got up and brushed and had mixed my coffee with extra sugar as I was feeling the need for that extra sugar !! A couple of cookies along with coffee and some old kishore kumar songs on the bg ... to kick start my morning .. the pleasure lasted just one sip of my coffee... salty coffee is one that you should not be serving even to your worst enemy !!! Emptied the cup into the sink and have to start to work without my mrng caffeine dose as the milk was also under the 'replenish me asap' list.
Grabbed a couple of bites of hersheys cashew chocolate to build my morning sugar...and off I am to my 0915 cab......
Today got up and brushed and had mixed my coffee with extra sugar as I was feeling the need for that extra sugar !! A couple of cookies along with coffee and some old kishore kumar songs on the bg ... to kick start my morning .. the pleasure lasted just one sip of my coffee... salty coffee is one that you should not be serving even to your worst enemy !!! Emptied the cup into the sink and have to start to work without my mrng caffeine dose as the milk was also under the 'replenish me asap' list.
Grabbed a couple of bites of hersheys cashew chocolate to build my morning sugar...and off I am to my 0915 cab......
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Nothing Official about IT
For a machine to run smooth all the gears need to be aligned and should support each other on the run.. Even if there is a slight disorientation at one of the gear wheels, the whole machine rattles, then leading to more vibrations and failure...
Some of the parts play a pivotal role and the others play the supporting role ... if at all all the gears had intelligence of their own... that would be the most ideal machine ever built !!
Something that happened today that made me write this... am a bit down in my spirits but thats good to make me bounce back to a greater height ...
Some of the parts play a pivotal role and the others play the supporting role ... if at all all the gears had intelligence of their own... that would be the most ideal machine ever built !!
Something that happened today that made me write this... am a bit down in my spirits but thats good to make me bounce back to a greater height ...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Shopping - The "baraTHnaTYam" way
I used to curse my parents every single breath while cycling from my home to the market as it bit into my play-time.Even the mundane shopping task has turned e.x.c.i.t.i.n.g in this small Latin american country named Uruguay...My competency level in Spanish is comparable to my ice skating skills (always fall backwards..) , but here this trait adds s{pice} to your shopping curry.
Usually start off the shopping dumb C with a 'Hola' and then its all over to the mudra or point-n-ask strategy. I love the mudra one because most of the times it is more expressive and is kinda fun. I love sea food and the 'Makara or Matsya' mudra came in handy to get me some laughs around, and my fish ..the hunt for crustaceans is still on and it was a hard time to act it out. I was successful after a couple of attempts of making my fingers walk sidewards and showing my own claw-clutch-mudra. Crabs are not in awe here near, so may be have to travel 100s of Kms to grab and taste one. Back in Trichy , Crabs travelled from chennai thru train and buses and then to the front of our defence quarters on bicycles ;-) how convenient...
The most surprising part of my research on crabs was that - there is one of the mudras for Crab - the Karkala Mudra, well done ancestors. I've had tortoise in India without having to use the Coormah mudra - but here the food is the sole source of entertainment ;-( , now I've started a liking towards the 'art of aquiring the food.'.
If I walk the aisles and shop quick enough to make my movements continous, I may even think of my arangetram in 'BharathnatyaM' - keeping it slow to save a cultural landslide in India..!!
Bored in Uruguay - ?? Grab a few 100 pesos and go to the nearby super mercado and play Dumb C with all of 'em
Usually start off the shopping dumb C with a 'Hola' and then its all over to the mudra or point-n-ask strategy. I love the mudra one because most of the times it is more expressive and is kinda fun. I love sea food and the 'Makara or Matsya' mudra came in handy to get me some laughs around, and my fish ..the hunt for crustaceans is still on and it was a hard time to act it out. I was successful after a couple of attempts of making my fingers walk sidewards and showing my own claw-clutch-mudra. Crabs are not in awe here near, so may be have to travel 100s of Kms to grab and taste one. Back in Trichy , Crabs travelled from chennai thru train and buses and then to the front of our defence quarters on bicycles ;-) how convenient...
The most surprising part of my research on crabs was that - there is one of the mudras for Crab - the Karkala Mudra, well done ancestors. I've had tortoise in India without having to use the Coormah mudra - but here the food is the sole source of entertainment ;-( , now I've started a liking towards the 'art of aquiring the food.'.
If I walk the aisles and shop quick enough to make my movements continous, I may even think of my arangetram in 'BharathnatyaM' - keeping it slow to save a cultural landslide in India..!!
Bored in Uruguay - ?? Grab a few 100 pesos and go to the nearby super mercado and play Dumb C with all of 'em
Sunrise @ Rambla
The bio-alarm overtook my usual mobile-alarm by a margin of more than 2 hours so ended up moving my butt off the bed earlier than usual.. I have a bad habit of being unable to sleep again easily if the continuity is broken - I hated those early mrng pages when I was handling some apps at onsite... What would be more perfect than to start your day with 'Surya Darshan' .. It was a treat for the eyes and mind alike - the black tarred road, tanned people jogging , the white beach and the lovely Red Sun rising above the horizon..the colors fading from pitch black to the brightest red .. nature's own palette of paints..Always surprised of the sun ever not getting bored of the monotonous task... should be asked for a management pep talk to keep the morale up ...I shall make this task a daily one to absorb all the positive vibes of the 33 orientales ... ;-)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Tempest - Not the Shakespearean 1 ...
Was woken from my deep sleep, in da wee hours of Monday by the loud banging of my kitchen door... not knowing who the uninvited intruder was... Switched on my lights , but cudnt find even a single soul around..
Could hear the wind whistle sarcastically at me.. The wind was spitting fury along with rhythmic whistling as it rushed through my hard venetian blinds and the glass windows.. Though it meant a sleepless night , it was in a way enjoyable too ... it was some kinda music to the ears... if you know what i mean when i say "i love to hear the waves.."
This is like hearing the wind and feeling it against you...I let the wind caress and pamper me all night long and slept off in the morning in her arms ....
the windy nite , brought memories of Chic-ago , but the wind here seems to have an additional element of humane tenderness to it.. though it sounded rough n tough , it was soft enough to connect me with my dreamzz again... the " munchy" wind ... nature is never boring .. !!!
Could hear the wind whistle sarcastically at me.. The wind was spitting fury along with rhythmic whistling as it rushed through my hard venetian blinds and the glass windows.. Though it meant a sleepless night , it was in a way enjoyable too ... it was some kinda music to the ears... if you know what i mean when i say "i love to hear the waves.."
This is like hearing the wind and feeling it against you...I let the wind caress and pamper me all night long and slept off in the morning in her arms ....
the windy nite , brought memories of Chic-ago , but the wind here seems to have an additional element of humane tenderness to it.. though it sounded rough n tough , it was soft enough to connect me with my dreamzz again... the " munchy" wind ... nature is never boring .. !!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Love My Solo Numero !!

In Love with my Single NumbeR that...
- ain't shared by my siblings or friends
- is reachable anytime
- is an active member in ma emotional voyage
- smiles off my stupidity
- opens up my corridors of imagination
- delights me with never ending freshness
- is unconditional
Revenge was his(Mr.Murphy's) Reply
I knew Mr.M would come back hard at me for exposing him in my blog.. He was just waiting for the right opportunity and what better time to strike than when I am at my weakest moving from the nOrthern hEmisphere to the south !!
Started the month of Dec'08 with a request for travelling to Uruguay for work - I gleefully accepted the offer as I wanted something new in my work, love travelling ,meeting new people & trying out new cuisines !! Never expected that the journey would be a good adventure on its own ...
Started with the visa as the consul general was OOC(for us its out of office, for consul gen its out of country) for a couple of weeks, then I had to arrange through a different consulate. Visa appointment was fixed, ticketing completed from MSP to Miami to Montevideo.
Waved goodbye to the ones I shared my life @ Minneapolis ! Murphy started poking his nose into my affairs a bit rough from here, I came to know that I cannot check in my baggages through to Montevideo as I had no Uruguayan Visa , although I scrambled through my bag and took out numerous papers to show that I am not planning on an illegal entry the representative was adamant on the stand and rightly so...could have written some complimentary messages for her to her boss ..
This concern flew away as I was flying first class, first in ma lifetime ;-) , relaxxed and enjoyed the caste system in the airlines !! I landed in Miami , In'l ;the land of the lords. Now I had to think on how to get my visa done and take care of my baggage. I decided to leave the baggage at the carousal, anyways it would be at the counter as unclaimed baggage and I could always come back to the orphaned ones later.
Sprawled my way through the miami crowd and hired a cab.she took me to the consulate, I asked her to wait till I am out... Went inside the consulate and waited for an hour to get my chance, the citizens of Uy were given preference over any Visa processing , appreciated that spirit of theirs and I sat there in the small room with Gen Artigas staring at me from a corner ;-) No much fanfare as in the US consulate as Uy is no World of Opportunities ..
Got my Visa stamped and the scan through the streets brought me my next surprise , my very friendly cab-driver had deserted me..Made up my mind on the fronts that she might have got a better ride and on my luck of getting a free ride from the airport to the consulate.
I waited to wave yet another taxi and half way through I asked him if he would accept cards, Murphy strikes again to say that out of the 1000s of cabs in Miami this one doesn't accept cards.
I didn't carry cash, the lucky b!#@! I am , had a cheque book , wrote a 20$ for the cab driver - checked my account online after I reached here and could find it debited .. Atleast was not so lucky to get a free round trip from the airport to the consulate.
Found the way to the baggage claim area and the friendly clerk helped me regain my 'unclaimed' baggages. I found the cart vending machine and slided my cards - Visa & Amex decided to play along with Murphy. Helpful humans can always be found, one lady offered me her cart as she had another free one..
Lots of hours to pass, how long could I play watchman ;-) , though the crowd was colorful and pleasant.The airport internet came to rescue, paid up for a 24 hr connection but the authentication wouldnt go through.. i was cursing my luck but sensed the opportunity of talking to the cute girl at the reception of the hotel that provides the inet service.. off i went in a flash and talked to the blondie after a couple of calls the connection sprang up on my HP pavilion
Felt a sense of relief after checking emails work and personal. Chatted with ma amigos and sent mails regarding the lovely travel.As I handled the above scenarios with little bit of help from lady luck, Mr.M decided to test with some other avenues - the time had come to board and I couldn't go to my gate as the Trams at Miami called up a strike ..There was total chaos in the airport with ppl who could miss the flight and no connection coz miami is one of the connecting hubs from NA to SA.
After a while, the authorities arranged for buses to ply us to the gates.There was a lot of crowd and it was not regulated, - the survival of the fittest game ensured for sometime in boarding the buses. I reached my gate 15 mins in advance and the relief turned to desperation again as the PA announcement came in - There has been a gate change for the Miami Montvideo flight..
I was sure of missing the flight as the buses were crowded and I had to run to get through to the bus facility.The bus took me to the gate and somehow I had to thank Murphy as the flight was delayed for 30 mins. We all boarded the flight, after a couple of mins of taxiing , the captain announced that there was some malfunctioning computer on board and it needed replacement... Great news, coz this announcement in mid air would have had me read thru the safety instructions manual ASAP.
Miami airport can boast of a great engineering crew as they rectified the malfunction in less than an hour, whereas sometimes during crucial meetings we need to have around 5 software engineers work for more than half an hour to fix a projector issue ;-)
Having said that , the slightest shudders, which I may have earlier attributed to turbulence took a new dimension in my thoughts - did they fix it right ?? or they had got into engineering with fake degrees ;-) ? Anyways I landed at Montevideo in one-piece and was greeted with a SmilE ,by Mohan - the sweetest I have experienced !! Will report further from Latinoland !
Started the month of Dec'08 with a request for travelling to Uruguay for work - I gleefully accepted the offer as I wanted something new in my work, love travelling ,meeting new people & trying out new cuisines !! Never expected that the journey would be a good adventure on its own ...
Started with the visa as the consul general was OOC(for us its out of office, for consul gen its out of country) for a couple of weeks, then I had to arrange through a different consulate. Visa appointment was fixed, ticketing completed from MSP to Miami to Montevideo.
Waved goodbye to the ones I shared my life @ Minneapolis ! Murphy started poking his nose into my affairs a bit rough from here, I came to know that I cannot check in my baggages through to Montevideo as I had no Uruguayan Visa , although I scrambled through my bag and took out numerous papers to show that I am not planning on an illegal entry the representative was adamant on the stand and rightly so...could have written some complimentary messages for her to her boss ..
This concern flew away as I was flying first class, first in ma lifetime ;-) , relaxxed and enjoyed the caste system in the airlines !! I landed in Miami , In'l ;the land of the lords. Now I had to think on how to get my visa done and take care of my baggage. I decided to leave the baggage at the carousal, anyways it would be at the counter as unclaimed baggage and I could always come back to the orphaned ones later.
Sprawled my way through the miami crowd and hired a cab.she took me to the consulate, I asked her to wait till I am out... Went inside the consulate and waited for an hour to get my chance, the citizens of Uy were given preference over any Visa processing , appreciated that spirit of theirs and I sat there in the small room with Gen Artigas staring at me from a corner ;-) No much fanfare as in the US consulate as Uy is no World of Opportunities ..
Got my Visa stamped and the scan through the streets brought me my next surprise , my very friendly cab-driver had deserted me..Made up my mind on the fronts that she might have got a better ride and on my luck of getting a free ride from the airport to the consulate.
I waited to wave yet another taxi and half way through I asked him if he would accept cards, Murphy strikes again to say that out of the 1000s of cabs in Miami this one doesn't accept cards.
I didn't carry cash, the lucky b!#@! I am , had a cheque book , wrote a 20$ for the cab driver - checked my account online after I reached here and could find it debited .. Atleast was not so lucky to get a free round trip from the airport to the consulate.
Found the way to the baggage claim area and the friendly clerk helped me regain my 'unclaimed' baggages. I found the cart vending machine and slided my cards - Visa & Amex decided to play along with Murphy. Helpful humans can always be found, one lady offered me her cart as she had another free one..
Lots of hours to pass, how long could I play watchman ;-) , though the crowd was colorful and pleasant.The airport internet came to rescue, paid up for a 24 hr connection but the authentication wouldnt go through.. i was cursing my luck but sensed the opportunity of talking to the cute girl at the reception of the hotel that provides the inet service.. off i went in a flash and talked to the blondie after a couple of calls the connection sprang up on my HP pavilion
Felt a sense of relief after checking emails work and personal. Chatted with ma amigos and sent mails regarding the lovely travel.As I handled the above scenarios with little bit of help from lady luck, Mr.M decided to test with some other avenues - the time had come to board and I couldn't go to my gate as the Trams at Miami called up a strike ..There was total chaos in the airport with ppl who could miss the flight and no connection coz miami is one of the connecting hubs from NA to SA.
After a while, the authorities arranged for buses to ply us to the gates.There was a lot of crowd and it was not regulated, - the survival of the fittest game ensured for sometime in boarding the buses. I reached my gate 15 mins in advance and the relief turned to desperation again as the PA announcement came in - There has been a gate change for the Miami Montvideo flight..
I was sure of missing the flight as the buses were crowded and I had to run to get through to the bus facility.The bus took me to the gate and somehow I had to thank Murphy as the flight was delayed for 30 mins. We all boarded the flight, after a couple of mins of taxiing , the captain announced that there was some malfunctioning computer on board and it needed replacement... Great news, coz this announcement in mid air would have had me read thru the safety instructions manual ASAP.
Miami airport can boast of a great engineering crew as they rectified the malfunction in less than an hour, whereas sometimes during crucial meetings we need to have around 5 software engineers work for more than half an hour to fix a projector issue ;-)
Having said that , the slightest shudders, which I may have earlier attributed to turbulence took a new dimension in my thoughts - did they fix it right ?? or they had got into engineering with fake degrees ;-) ? Anyways I landed at Montevideo in one-piece and was greeted with a SmilE ,by Mohan - the sweetest I have experienced !! Will report further from Latinoland !
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